We Worship God, Not a Day! – Parashat BeHa’alotecha – June 7

People often ask me what I personally think about taking a Sabbath day on a different day from the seventh day (Saturday). I generally respond that I believe that the principle of the Sabbath is still valid; to take one day per week to rest. However, I also believe that God is more concerned that our focus be on Him rather than on a particular day. It seems to me that many miss the heart of God and get caught up in trying to keep the Law.

In this week’s Torah Portion (Num. 8:1-12:16) there is a very clear example of the heart of God relating to times and dates that He appoints. This example focuses on the day of Passover and is found in Numbers 9.

It is now the second year since the children came out of Egypt and God reminds Moses to instruct the Israelites to keep the Passover on the 14th day of the month of Nisan and to obey all of God’s requirements regarding the Passover. However, there were some people who were unable to keep the Passover at the appointed time because they were considered unclean because someone had died. They would need seven days to purify themselves and would be excluded from keeping the Passover on the day that God specified. These people came to Moses and asked him how they could also keep the Passover. It was a good question. Moses took the question to God (Num. 9:1-14).

The response that God gives to Moses reveals the heart of God concerning the holidays or appointed times of God and His Law in general. God is holy and demands that His people walk in holiness, however, He is also merciful and understands our weaknesses.

God’s response to Moses for the people was as follows: if someone is unable to offer the Passover sacrifice at the appointed time either because of being in an unclean state or if they are on a journey (seemingly out of the country), then they should offer the Passover sacrifice one month later, on the 14th of the second month. God’s solution was very straightforward.

I personally believe that the solution that God provides to the issue of when to offer the Passover sacrifice can and should be applied to the other holidays of God and even to the Sabbath.

First of all, God is more concerned with us walking in holiness with Him rather than simply holding to a particular day. Secondly, keeping the feasts of God and the Sabbath are directly connected to the Land of Israel. It makes perfect sense to keep the seventh day (Saturday) a day of rest for anyone living in the Land of Israel as nearly everyone observes this day and most things are closed. However, if someone is living in Switzerland it is probably wise to take Sunday as a Sabbath day. This is also in keeping with the New Testament teaching about the festivals and Sabbath days (Col. 2:16-17 & Rom. 14).

Whether it is Passover or the Sabbath, we never worship the day. We always worship the Living God everyday and on special days!

Shabbat Shalom!

Torah portion: Numbers 8- Numbers 12

Haftarah portion: Zechariah 2:10-4:7

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