Five times in this week’s Torah Portion the exhortation not to fear is given in recounting the journey of the Israelites to the Promised Land (Deut. 1:17; 1:21; 1:29; 3:2; 3:22). Without vision the people perish (Prov. 29:18) and without courage the people remain ordinary and stagnant.
Almighty God bought the children of Israel out of Egypt with a strong hand and with signs and wonders. He brought them through the wilderness with all of its dangers; a lack of water, a lack of food, a scorching sun by day and chilling cold by night. God was faithful to provide for them and protect them all along the way. Then God told them to go up and possess the Land, which He had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Deut. 1:6-8). But they feared!
Instead of going in and taking the Land that God had promised them they feared the giants in the Land along with the strong and fortified cities (Deut. 1:26-28). They feared man instead of fearing God and as a result they rebelled against God and God punished them by forfeiting their right to enter the Land (Deut. 1:34-35). Only Caleb and Joshua were able to enter the Land along with the next generation of the sons of Israel.
Fear is a crippling emotion that keeps us from fulfilling our destiny.
There is a proper fear and that is the fear of God (Prov. 1:7). With a proper fear of God and obedience to His Word people are set free to walk in the power of God. We are reminded in the book of Daniel that, “the people who know their God will display strength and take action” (Daniel 11:32).
A right fear of God along with obedience brings blessing while rebellion will only bring punishment. This principle is reiterated in the supplementary Scripture in the prophets: “If you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the land; But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” (Isaiah 1:19-20)
In every generation of mankind there are those who bow to the fear of man and live ordinary lives and there are always a few who know their God, fear Him above man, display strength and take action! Do Not Fear the things in this world. Let us be those few who fear God and walk in His blessings!

Shabbat Shalom! Please leave a comment below.
Torah Reading: Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22
Haftarah Reading: Isaiah 1:1-27
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Hi Daniel,
How your words this week have encouraged me. I, along with some friends am taking part in a peace rally for Israel tomorrow in Brisbane. I have been attacked by a couple of people (one a relative and one a friend) for my public support of Israel and told that this rally could become nasty and I should not attend. However, Len and Michelle are totally behind me in this and Len, although not taking part, is driving me and my friends to Brisbane. I will forward you the details of the rally and ask that you please pray for this to be a peaceful rally. Your words have spoken to me and I refuse to be discouraged and I will not fear. Thank you, my friend.